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Is it possible to lower SEV in PMEA?

/Is it possible to lower SEV in PMEA?

Is it possible to lower SEV in PMEA?

If lowering arises from previous high internal effects which had an impact on the ultimate value in SEV column, then the answer is yes; nevertheless two cases are taken into consideration:

  1. DFMEA was not available and Unknown Function (10) was entered; during further revisions there was an update to include available data from the existing DFMEA.
  2. During tests and validation, previously assessed effects turned out to be too strict and thus overstated SEV value.

Please remember: at present the ultimate SEV value in PFMEA is affected by results from at least three effect fields: internal, external and user.

2018-06-19T14:46:30+02:00 11 April 2018|0 Comments

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